16–19 giu 2014
Giovinazzo (Bari - Italy)
Europe/Rome fuso orario
7th Edition of the International Workshop on Quantum Chromodynamics

Nonextensive thermodynamics for hadrons with finite chemical potentials

Non in programma
Giovinazzo (Bari - Italy)

Giovinazzo (Bari - Italy)



Dr. Eugenio Megias (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)


QCD at finite temperature has been usually studied within the standard Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics. One of the standard properties of this is that entropy is extensive, which means that for two systems A and B which are independent (in the sense that the probabilities of the states of A+B factorize into those of A and B), the entropy of the joint system S(A+B) is equal to the sum of the individual entropies S(A)+S(B). Very recently it has been shown that the thermodynamics of hadronic systems show some signals of non-extensivity, in particular recent LHC experiment have confirmed that the fireball description based on the BG thermodynamics cannot completely describe the experimental data for pt-distributions for several hadrons produced in p+p collisions, while the descriptions based on Tsallis statistics has been successful in describing the same data [1]. In the Tsallis formalism the entropy of the joint system is S(A+B) = S(A) + S(B) + (1-q) S(A) S(B), where q is a measuring of the degree of nonextensivity. Tsallis statistics is a generalization of the BG statistics [2]. In this work we derive the nonextensive thermodynamics of an ideal gas composed by bosons and/or fermions from its partition function for systems with finite chemical potentials [3]. It is shown that the thermodynamical quantities derived in the present work are in agreement with those obtained in previous works [4]. It is studied in details the chemical freeze-out transition line in the T-mu diagram of QCD, and the effect of non-extensivity on it. We show that the nonextensive statistics provides a harder equation of state than that predicted by the Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics, i.e. higher values of the pressure for a given energy density. This fact induced us to apply this formalism to study the proto-neutron star stability by solving the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equations [5]. The most recent experimental measurements demand a larger value for the radius of neutron stars as compared to the prediction from current models, and this implies the need of a harder equation of state [6]. Our results based on a simple thermodynamical description of the neutron star matter within the non extensive statistics go in the right direction to explain star stability. [1] J. Cleymans, G.I. Lykasov, A.S. Parvan, A.S. Sorin, O.V. Teryaev, Phys. Lett. B 723 (2013) 351-354. [2] C. Tsallis, J. Stat. Phys. 52 (1988) 479. [3] E. Megías, D.P. Menezes, A. Deppman, arXiv:1312.7134[hep-ph] (2013). [4] J.M. Conroy, H.G. Miller and A.R. Plastino, Physics Letters A 374 (2010) 4581-4584. [5] R.C. Tolman, Phys. Rev. 55, 364 (1939); J.R. Oppenheimer and G.M. Volkoff, Phys. Rev. 55, 374 (1939). [6] J. Antoniadis et al, Science 26, 340 n. 6131 (2013).

Autore principale

Dr. Eugenio Megias (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)


Prof. Airton Deppman (University of São Paulo) Prof. Debora P. Menezes (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil)

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