16–19 giu 2014
Giovinazzo (Bari - Italy)
Europe/Rome fuso orario
7th Edition of the International Workshop on Quantum Chromodynamics

Semirelativistic Bound-State Equations: A Few Trivial Considerations

Non in programma
Giovinazzo (Bari - Italy)

Giovinazzo (Bari - Italy)



Wolfgang LUCHA (Austrian Academy of Sciences)


Observing renewed interest in (semi-) relativistic descriptions of bound states, we would like to make a few comments on the eigenvalue problem posed by the spinless Salpeter equation and, illustrated by the example of the Woods-Saxon potential, recall various elementary tools that practitioners looking for analytic albeit approximate solutions might find useful in their quest.

Autore principale

Wolfgang LUCHA (Austrian Academy of Sciences)

Materiali di presentazione

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