February 24, 2013 to March 2, 2013
La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy<!-- ID_UTENTE=804 -->
Europe/Rome timezone
PROCEEDINGS 2013: the deadline for the submission is April 15, 2013


Neutrinos and Lepton Flavour Violation

Feb 25, 2013, 4:00 PM
La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy<!-- ID_UTENTE=804 -->

La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy<!-- ID_UTENTE=804 -->

<a href=http://www.atahotels.it/planibel/>Hotel Planibel</a> phone: +39 0165 884541 Fax: + 39 0165 884535


Neutrinos and Lepton Flavour Violation

  • Alexander Studenikin (Moscow State University)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Antonia Di Crescenzo (NA)
2/25/13, 4:00 PM
Neutrinos and Lepton Flavour Violation
Dr Stephen Coleman (University of Colorado)
2/25/13, 4:25 PM
Dr Zeyuan Yu (Institute of high energy physics, Beijing, China)
2/25/13, 4:50 PM
Dr Hideki Watanabe (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik)
2/25/13, 5:15 PM
Guido Altarelli (ROMA3)
2/25/13, 5:40 PM
Building timetable...