9–12 Sept 2013
Dip. di Fisica - "Sapienza" Universita' di Roma - G. Marconi building
Europe/Rome timezone

Combined analysis of BES and KEDR data on psi(3770)

10 Sept 2013, 14:05
3h 25m
Dip. di Fisica - "Sapienza" Universita' di Roma - G. Marconi building

Dip. di Fisica - "Sapienza" Universita' di Roma - G. Marconi building


Dr Andrey Shamov (Budker INP)


The available data on the D-D-bar cross section and the inclusive hadronic cross section in the psi(3770) region by BABAR, BELLE, BES, CLEO and KEDR experiments were analyzed assuming that the systematic uncertainties in cross sections measured by different detectors are not correlated. The three theoretical models were employed for the data analysis. The first model implies that the D-D-bar production amplitude is the sum of the psi(3700), psi(2S) and smooth nonresonant contributions and that the resonant contributions have the Breit-Wigner shape with the commonly used assumption on the energy-dependent width. The psi(3770) parameters obtained with are close to those recently published by the KEDR collaboration. Alternatively, the models suggested by N.N. Achasov and G.N. Shestakov and by G.-Y. Chen and Q. Zhao were used in the analysis of cross sections.

Primary author

Dr Andrey Shamov (Budker INP)

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