Lena Heijkenskjold
Detailed experimental studies of the decays and interactions of light mesons, such as
pi0, eta and omega, are highly needed as precision tests for theoretical models. Such studies allow
for extractions of parameters describing decay dynamics as well as transition form factors.
Experimental results in this area can also provide measurements of symmetry breaking
processes, test the symmetries of the Standard Model and contribute to the search for
physics beyond the Standard Model.
The WASA detector is one of the available experimental set-ups optimised for studying
production and decays of light mesons. In contrast to the focus of this workshop, the mesons
are produced through proton-proton or proton-deuteron collisions using a xed target in the
WASA experiment.
This talk will highlight the contributions made and ongoing studies by the WASA-at-
COSY collaboration in the eld of light meson interactions.