15–27 set 2013
Santa Tecla (CT), Sicily, Italy
Europe/Rome fuso orario
Dear Participants and Lecturers of the Seventh European Summer School on
Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics

on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee we are glad to inform you
that the proceedings of the school will be published on AIP conference
Please refer to the website
for any information concerning the proceedings.

Please use the 8.5 x 11 inch, single column format  and submit it at the
school emailastro2013@lns.infn.it  by December 29th.

We require a maximum of 8 pages for Lecturers (2 hours lectures), a
maximum of 5 pages for Seminar Speakers, and a maximum of 3 pages for
young researchers.

Thank you again for your participation to the school and thanks a lot
for your contributions.

Best Regards

Claudio, Livio, Gianluca
·      ENNAS
The European Network of Nuclear Astrophysics Schools (ENNAS) is a project that aims to correlate the topics of the three European schools, to correlate their activities to better serve the community of science and students, and to correlate the efforts to obtain funds for these schools, from national and international agencies (i.e. EPS, EC…). The Santa Tecla School is endorsed by the Nuclear Physics Board of the EPS . 
Updated information about the school, the program, the registration form, the fee payment will be given at the following:
- website: http://agenda.infn.it/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=5302
- email: astro2013@lns.infn.it .
Santa Tecla (CT), Sicily, Italy
• SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE C. Spitaleri (Director, Catania), C. Rolfs (Director, Bochum), M. Aliotta (Edinburgh), M. Busso (Perugia), A. Coc (Orsay), M. El Eid (Beirut), T. Kajino (Tokyo), K.L. Kratz (Mainz), S. Kubono (Tokyo), K. Langanke (Darmstadt), J. Josè (Barcelona), T. Motobayashi (Tokyo), A.M. Mukhamedzhanov (College Station), E. Nappi (Bari), O. Straniero (Teramo), G. Rogachev (Tallahassee), L. Trache (Bucarest), R.E. Tribble (College Station), M. Wiescher (South Bend). • LOCAL COMMITTEE R.G. Pizzone (chair),G. Agnello, S. Hayakawa, V. Potenza, G.G. Rapisarda, M.L. Sergi • SCIENTIFIC SECRETARY Livio Lamia, astro2013@lns.infn.it