10–12 Apr 2013
INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso
Europe/Rome timezone

The Prototype BetaCage: A prototype time-projection chamber material screener for radioisotope surface contamination

10 Apr 2013, 12:30
E. Fermi auditorium (INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso)

E. Fermi auditorium

INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso

oral presentation Low background counting techniques Session 3 - Low background counting techniques


Dr Robert Nelson (Caltech)


The BetaCage is a proposed neon time-projection chamber for the ultra-sensitive screening of materials for alpha- and beta-emitting surface contaminants. The BetaCage is of interest to rare-event-search experiments (e.g. dark matter searches and neutrino less double-beta decay) where surface contaminations from the implantation of the products from radon decays are a substantial background. A prototype device, measuring 40 cm x 40 cm screening area with a 20 cm drift field sandwiched between two multi-wire proportional grids, has been constructed and is currently operating at Caltech. We will report on the progress of this prototype device and, in particular, measurements of low-energy x-ray and alpha sources.

Primary author

Dr Robert Nelson (Caltech)


Mr Alexander Rider (Caltech) Mr Alexander Zahn (Caltech) Mr Boqian Wang (Syracuse University) Prof. Darren Grant (University of Alberta) Dr Marek Kos (Syracuse University) Mr Michael Bowles (Syracuse University) Dr Raymond Bunker (Syracuse University) Prof. Richard Schnee (Syracuse University) Prof. Sunil Golwala (Caltech) Dr Zeeshan Ahmed (Caltech)

Presentation materials