Claudia Cecchi (PG), Frank Porter (Caltech)
Minutes of 120426 SuperB EMC meeting Indico agenda at: http://agenda.infn.it/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=4992 1) Paolo Gauzzi presentation on barrel electronic noise at: http://agenda.infn.it/getFile.py/access?contribId=0&resId=0&materialId=slides&confId=4992 Noise studies reported with different shaping/integration times, on CsI(Tl) with APD readout. Suggested to also try with the BaBar PIN diodes. This is harder to do with sources, but can be tried. Commented that with 4 large PIN diodes maybe can do it, but then this is not the BaBar barrel configuration. 3) TDR Current EMC chapter is on agenda page at: http://agenda.infn.it/getFile.py/access?contribId=1&resId=0&materialId=0&confId=4992 People are encouraged to commit changes frequently, as we will soon start having multiple people working on sections. Numbers are sections: Overview: 9.1.1 Figs 9.1-9.3 may need to be updated with new rate calculations 9.1.2 Simulation tools - agreed that this was appropriate place to keep this discussion. Presumed authors: Chih-hsiang Stefano Barrel: (Kevin) Figure 9.4 will be changed using ntuples from David Doll (Kevin) Readout - beginning of May (Valerio) (EVO problems prevented us from having a conclusive discussion here) Calibration (Kevin, with Andy Ruland) Resolution (Wenfeng, with Kevin) Effect of radiation damamge - more to be added (pi0 and mass resolution as fn of time/dose) (Wolfgang Gradl, with Kevin) 9.2.4 Electronics changes (Valerio, beginning of May) answer to changes? is presmuably yes. 9.2.5 Kevin will write up from his talk at Frascati. The "Local Storage" part will move to 9.2.8 photos are OK 9.2.6 Electronics refurbishment Valerio 9.2.7 Calibration systems DavidH has given to Kevin and Ric 9.2.8 Re-installation at Tor Vergata Now includes local storage. Could be at Roma2? Baseline is modules taken apart, impacts storage. Alternative is ship as a whole, then could in principle be stored in IR hall. Kevin can produce generic discussion; any details will have to come from others (who?) Forward: (Ric) Many things will await decision on baseline. Pressure to have forward technology decided so that can have essentially complete TDR for Elba. We'll see where things stand when we meet next week with the committee. Question asked about whether can keep two alternatives as baseline. Difficulty with this if want to provide one cost estimate. 9.3.1 Requirements - May need to be modified if the benchmark is the degraded barrel, and to reflect cost "requirement" 9.3.2 Crystals Depending on which forward option becomes baseline, may be able to shorten or move much of discussion to an appendix. 9.3.10 Mechanical Design There will be differences depending on the hybrid vs pure CsI choices. The present discussion on the new structure could be put in an appendix? 9.3.11 Performance Include new production. (Stefano) 9.3.12 Test beam Maybe can shrink this section, depending on choice of technology. Still plan to do a paper. Trigger discussion to be done (Claudia). 9.3.13 Alternatives Await choice of technology The fact that we thought about PWO should be mentioned (eg including studies from Stafano) BGO This part can be written now (Ric) Backward (Gerald) Mostly complete, but editing to do. 9.4.1 Physics Needs to be merged in with later discussion (9.4.7). Was done, but changes lost somehow. (Gerald, with Elisa) Background rates Numbers and Figure 9.50 probably will need to be updated according to new production. 9.4.7 (See also 9.4.1 above) Perhaps add some rather generic comments about additional places that backward endcap could have an impact, but which have not been studied. Examples include B tagging efficiency and (high energy) gamma + invisible events. Remarked that fullsim still does not have the complete backward geometry, so detalied studies precluded. Trigger (Valerio) 9.5 Trigger Felt that there should still be some discussion here on trigger, e.g., on the EMC primitives, even though most of trigger will be discussed in ETD chapter. Detector protection 9.6.1 Thermal shock (Kevin?) Risk of PINs popping off; need to control thermal environment 9.6.2 Mechanical shock (Kevin, with Shawn) 9.6.3 Fluid spills (Kevin - barrel) 9.6.4 Electrical (Valerio?) 9.6.5 Radiation damage Should add discussion of accelerator interlocks. The barrel is most difficult, because the forward detector is more accessible, and replacement of damaged components more plausible. Cost&schedule 9.7 This section will be somewhere else. Work on cost&schedule expected to start in earnest at/following Elba 4) AOB Next meeting, with forward committee - Thurs, May 3, 1730/0830 Meeting Wed, May 9, 1730/0830
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    • 17:30 18:00
      Barrel electronic noise 30m
      Speakers: Davide Pinci (ROMA1), Paolo Gauzzi (ROMA1)
    • 18:00 18:30
      TDR 30m
      TDR draft 120425
    • 18:30 18:50
      AOB 20m