Cecilia Tarantino
(Technical University of Munich)
Rare decays dominated by one-loop electroweak dynamics offer a
very powerful tool to investigate the flavour structure of
physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). Among them, the kaon rare
decays K+ into pi+ nu nubar and Klong into pi0 nu nubar play a
privileged role because of their strong suppression within the SM
and the high-level of accuracy achieved in their theoretical
description. Thanks to the theoretical control recently achieved
over their long-distance components, the rare decays Klong into
pi0 e+ e- and Klong into pi0 mu+ mu- also exhibit good
sensitivities allowing, in particular to probe
helicity-suppressed effects in a very clean way. We illustrate
how precise measurements of rare kaon decays can be used to
discriminate among different models of New Physics, both within
and beyond the Minimal Flavour Violation framework.