Ulrich Haisch
(Zurich University)
5/25/07, 9:30 AM
Rare decays
Cecilia Tarantino
(Technical University of Munich)
5/25/07, 10:00 AM
Rare decays
Rare decays dominated by one-loop electroweak dynamics offer a
very powerful tool to investigate the flavour structure of
physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). Among them, the kaon rare
decays K+ into pi+ nu nubar and Klong into pi0 nu nubar play a
privileged role because of their strong suppression within the SM
and the high-level of accuracy achieved in their theoretical
Christopher Smith
(University of Bern)
5/25/07, 10:30 AM
Rare decays
Supersymmetry offers one of the most attractive extensions of the
Standard Model. Intensive searches for supersymmetric partners
will soon start at the LHC. In that context, rare K decays will
play an essential role, complementary to direct searches at
colliders. Indeed, they allow us to study in an exceptionally
clean way the flavor breaking structures. In the minimal
Giuseppe Ruggiero
(Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
5/25/07, 10:50 AM
Rare decays
The NA48/3-P326 proposal for an experiment to measure the
branching ratio of the
very rare kaon decay $K^+\rightarrow\pi^+\nu\bar{\nu}$ at the
CERN SPS will be described.
The proposed experiment aims to collect about 80
events with a 10\% of background in two years of data taking. The
status of the
project, the R\&D and the future perspectives for the...
Gabriel Perdue
(The University of Chicago)
5/25/07, 11:40 AM
Rare decays
We will provide a status report on the E391a experiment conducted
at KEK. Following a brief introduction to the
experiment, we will discuss several of the current analysis
topics, with a focus on the Monte Carlo and Kaon-related
backgrounds. Additionally, we will discuss a new method for
estimating the photon veto inefficiency for some
detectors using actual data that is well-suited...
Toshi Sumida
(Dept. of Physics, Kyoto University)
5/25/07, 12:00 PM
Rare decays
The rare decay KL-> pi0 nu nubar is a Flavor Changing Neutral
Current process from strange to down quarks and
its observation is new evidence for direct CP violation. Its
irreducible theoretical uncertainty is very small and the
decay is considered an ideal place to test the Standard Model and
explore signs of new physics in quark flavor
KEK-PS E391a, performed at the KEK...
Hiroaki Watanabe
5/25/07, 12:20 PM
Rare decays
J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex),
which intends to provide MW-class super-intense proton beam,
is under construction. First slow-beam extraction at 30 GeV is
on December, 2008.
J-PARC-E14 experiment aims at first observation of
the rare decay $K_L^0 \to \pi^0 \nu \overline{\nu}$ using
intense $K_L^0$ beam.
E14 reuses most of the detector and beam-line...
Vladimir Bolotov
(Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS)
5/25/07, 12:40 PM
Rare decays
The talk is supposed to be an extended description of the
experimental setup KLOD, a joint project of IHEP (Protvino),
INR (Moscow), JINR (Dubna). Some prospects related to this
project have been preliminary reported at K-Rare2005
Workshop, Frascati. Presented at Kaon-2007 results are based
on the Proposal of the experiment prepared to be published
at IHEP. All experimental aspects...