Feb 17 – 19, 2025
Sapienza University of Rome
Europe/Rome timezone

Practical info

Workshop venues:

All sessions will be hosted in Aula Amaldi, first floor, Physics Department (Marconi Building) (see map).

The map of Sapienza main campus and virtual tour of the campus are available here. The Marconi Building is CU013.

Sapienza main campus has several entrances.  They can all be used for in the morning, but the one closest to the workshop venue (which also stays open during the evening) is the main one on Piazzale Aldo Moro.  


How to reach us:  information about transportation to Sapienza main campus are available here.


Internet connection: eduroam wifi is available on site. Please contact us if you request a different connection.


Food options:

There are countless options for lunch and dinner within walking distance from the venue. We can suggest:

  • Osteria Rouge (good also for dinner)
  • Ciacco
  • Li Scalini (slices of pizza)
  • Poke' San Lorenzo
  • The Apartment
  • I Porchettari
  • La Casetta 
  • Bar Leonardo (for a quick lunch and sandwiches)


Accommodation options:

Participants are kindly required to find their own accommodation, there are plenty of options around the campus.

We suggest a few hotels close by Rome Termini Station and Sapienza University (Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 RM):

B&B options are: