The main objective of the MAYORANA (Multi-Aspect Young ORiented Advanced Neutrino Academy) School&Workshop is to promote a collaborative framework of young and senior researchers from the fields of nuclear, particle, and astroparticle neutrino physics to discuss theories and experiments in which interdisciplinary aspects are particularly relevant.
The event will be hosted in the wonderful town of Modica (Sicily-Italy) at the historical Palazzo Grimaldi. The Workshop will take place from June 16 to 18, 2025, and the School from June 19 to 25.
The School is addressed to doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows, and young researchers from worldwide and is limited to 50 participants. The School activities will consist of about 40 hours organized in lectures, dedicated sessions through posters and mini-talks presented by the students, and face-to-face discussions with the professors. Prizes will be awarded to the best mini-talks and posters. The students are also invited to attend the Workshop gaining the opportunity to know about the most advanced studies in the field.
The Workshop will take place just before the School. The aim is to connect researchers from different communities in order to discuss recent results and challenges of modern neutrino physics.
Contributions, including posters, will be published, after peer review, in indexed journals.
Scientific Topics
- Double beta decay
- Nuclear structure in connection with neutrino physics
- Neutrino nucleus interactions at low and high-energy
- Nuclear reactions for weak interactions
- Supernova models and detection of supernovae neutrinos
- Solar models
- Direct and indirect dark matter searches
- Rare beta decay of nuclei for neutrino mass measurement
- Neutrino oscillation and matter effect
- Anomalies in reactor neutrinos
- Ultra high energy astroparticle neutrinos and the multi-messenger scenario
- New related detection technologies
- Artificial intelligence for DAQ and data analysis
The MAYORANA School&Workshop is jointly organized by Fondazione Grimaldi, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, and the University of Catania.
More information about the School&Workshop is at the following links:
If you want to attend both events please register using both links!