10–12 Feb 2025
Europe/Rome timezone

Searching for Light Dark Matter with Carbon Nanotubes: the ANDROMeDa Project

11 Feb 2025, 15:50
Aula Salvini (INFN-LNF)

Aula Salvini


Via Enrico Fermi, 54 00044 Frascati (Roma)


Francesco Pandolfi (INFN Rome)


Since the discovery of carbon nanotubes in 1991 there has been widespread excitement for their unique chemical, electrical and mechanical properties. The introduction of carbon nanotubes has led to technological breakthroughs in many fields, including electronics, biotechnologies, and chemical sensors. The aim of ANDROMeDa (Aligned Nanotube Detector for Research On MeV Darkmatter) is to introduce carbon nanotubes to the field of particle detectors, by developing a novel dark matter detector: the Dark-PMT.

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