Welcome to the 2025 edition of the ISAPP school held in Lecce (Italy)!
Covered topics include cosmic rays, high-energy neutrinos and gamma rays, multi-messenger astronomy and gravitational waves. The format will include lectures and exercises, experimental seminars and dedicated hands-on sessions guided by experts in the field.
Phenomenology of astrophysical sources:
- Acceleration mechanisms
- Particle production (charged, photons and neutrinos)
- Propagation, interaction channels
- Search for Dark Matter, exotics, BSM
Detection techniques and status of the art::
- Direct observation from space: satellites, balloons
- EAS detectors (ground, fluorescence/Cherenkov/radio)
- Multi-messengers (photons, astrophysical neutrinos, GW)
- Highlights from the main experiments in the field
- Phenomenological or theoretical status of the art in specific topics, open points and new frontiers
- Specific analysis techniques such as AI and machine learning
- Roadmap for astroparticle physics in the near future
The school is part of the ISAPP network program
Edition organized by