The registration form will be managed through the appropriate link in the PIBHI2025 website. The conference fee is payable in Euro (€) and it includes:
- materials of the conference
- welcome reception (Sunday 6th),
- coffee breaks,
- conference banquet (Wednesday 9th),
- conference excursion (Wednesday 9th),
- visit of the Laboratori Nazionali del Sud of INFN in Catania (Monday 6th).
early payment (before March 10th) |
late payment | |
full fee | €200 | €250 |
discounted fee (students and retiree)* | €100 | €150 |
*Students must send to the address:, along with their registration form, a letter of support by their Head of Department or Supervisor, specifying their status and eligibility.
The accompanying person registration fee is € 150,00 and it includes the social dinner and the other social events.
Payments can be made by credit card, bank transfer, or at the registration desk through the Dimensione Sicilia Incoming operator.
CREDIT CARD: A link for the payment will be generated upon request to:
Please, include the following data in the request:
PRIVATE: Family Name, Given Name, Full Address, Tax ID Code, e-mail address.
COMPANY: Company Name, Full Address, Tax ID Code or VAT number, e-mail address.
BANK TRANSFER: The coordinates for the wire transfer are hereinafter reported.
Dimsi Incoming Operator Srl
Via Vampolieri 8/A - 95022 Aci Catena
VAT number: 05606210879
SDI code: M5UXCR1
Iban IT55D0200816917000105485432