September 30, 2024 to October 1, 2024
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (Rome), Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

There is a strong desire to discuss the future and be included in the process that will shape the next era in high-energy physics. This is a unique opportunity for INFN Early Career Researchers (ECR) to influence the direction of future research and policy, influencing the European Strategy for Particle Physics (ESPP).

The event will begin the first day with an introductory talk on proposed future colliders and will then delve into related activities (accelerators, detectors, physics programs) as well as beyond-ECFA topics (as these are also involved in the ESPP). The second day will be dedicated to building an Italian ECR network, aiming to inform, spark discussion, and promote the possibility of a written contribution to the ESPP from Italian ECRs.

This community event is dedicated to INFN ECRs and is organized by the Italian members of the ECFA ECR Panel, building on the success of the first event held. The event will take place in English, except for the open discussion, which will be held in Italian.

Poster Session: Participants who wish to do so are invited to present a poster about their activities or a review of their lab’s activities. Given the heterogeneous nature of the event, the goal of these contributions should be to share information with individuals from other fields. The aim is to foster networking and raise awareness of the work being done by various groups.

The ECR meeting will be followed by a "Workshop on HighLumi-LHC and Hadron Colliders" focused on the opportunities and challenges, both theoretical and experimental, with the goal of informing and blending Italian researchers (of all age brackets) with different backgrounds. We highly recommend not missing the opportunity to participate in both events.

Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (Rome), Italy
Aula B. Touschek
Via E. Fermi 60 I-00044 Frascati (RM)
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Maddalena Legramante Phone: +39 06 94032791, Email:



Application for this event is currently open.