Sep 16 – 20, 2024
Aula Salvini
Europe/Rome timezone
This hybrid meeting brings together the GAMBIT Community to discuss and continue work on global fits for Beyond-the-Standard-Model theories. We summarise the status of recently completed and ongoing projects of the various GAMBIT working groups, improve the GAMBIT software code in dedicated coding sessions, review the GAMBIT Community policies, and discuss interesting future directions in light of current developments in the field. We encourage interested researchers at LNF and beyond to join us to learn more about GAMBIT and how to connect it to their own research.
Organizing Committee
Sebastian Hoof (Padova Univ. & INFN Padova, IT)
Anders Kvellestad (Oslo Univ., NO)
Federico Mescia (INFN-LNF, IT)
Enrico Nardi (INFN-LNF, IT & NICPB Tallinn, EE)
Martin White (Adelaide Univ., AU)


Aula Salvini
Via Enrico Fermi 54, 00044 Frascati (RM)

Local contact:
Enrico Nardi (

Maddalena Legramante
tel. 0039 06 94032791

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