Timing: Timing I
- Alessandro Gallo (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Timing: Timing II
- Javier Serrano (CERN)
White Rabbit (WR) is an open-source (hardware, gateware, firmware and software) technology developed by a community of contributors including laboratories, universities, national metrology institutes and companies. After its standardisation as part of IEEE-1588 (PTP, Precision Time Protocol), it has seen significant uptake well beyond its initial scope of big scientific facilities. WR is now...
White Rabbit is one of the major timing systems for large-scale accelerators. It precisely synchronizes the FPGA clock of distant hardware modules by its deterministic network protocol. In addition to the timing signal delivery, the fruitful functions that enhance the accelerator operation are provided by this function. The R&D and
application of White Rabbit is an important issue for future...
During LHC operations, RF signals are crucial not only for accelerating cavities but also as a clock for experiments, beam instrumentation and the new Crab cavities. We propose a highly scalable method for synchronizing RF generation across the LHC complex, enabling automatic phase recovery.
In the upcoming long shutdown (LS3), scheduled in the period 2026-2028, the analog RF distribution...
The new APS storage ring has about 40 cm smaller circumference than the ring it replaced. Consequently, the 6-GeV Booster synchrotron is no longer able to operate at the same rf frequency as the storage ring. Rather than rebuilding the Booster, a novel synchronization system (IETS) was developed that dynamically modifies the Booster rf frequency using a cosine-like frequency program, thus...
High energy synchrotrons, like the Super-Proton Synchrotron (SPS) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, require high-precision beam synchronous triggers for longitudinal measurements, e.g. to acquire bunch profiles from a wall current monitor pickup. The observation triggering scheme is based on the General Machine Timing (GMT) followed by dedicated trigger units counting the revolution...
The relative timing between different subsystems of SwissFEL is critical for a fast recovery of operation after a machine shutdown or a restart of any subsystem. For the LLRF system, deterministic phase measurements and stable macro-pulse timing w.r.t the trigger are critical for stable beam acceleration with pulsed RF stations. The phase and macro-pulse timing uncertainties are introduced...