The Einstein Telescope (ET) project is the research infrastructure to host the future European gravitational wave detector and Italy is a candidate to host it in Sardinia. It is a large underground facility for a third-generation gravitational wave detector, which will be able to observe a volume of the universe about one thousand times larger than current instruments. It is considered a flagship project at the international level and it was included in the Roadmap 2021developed by ESFRI.
Italy’s candidacy is supported by the Italian government and it is scientifically coordinated by the INFN (the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics) through the ETIC project, funded by the Next Generation EU, with two main objectives: carry out a feasibility and analysis study of the Italian candidate site and establish a national network of R&D laboratories.
The ET will face peculiar challenges for data acquisition, synchronization and control systems; several R&D projects are already started in order to identify and test solutions and technologies.
This presentation will give an overview of the ET project, highlighting both scientific goals and technological aspects, then will focus on timing and synchronization aspects, exploring possible common points or interests with the community of this workshop.