28–30 Oct 2024
INFN Frascati National Laboratories
Europe/Rome timezone

Report on the Development of a Real-time Redundancy Subsystem for the Master Oscillator of the European XFEL

28 Oct 2024, 16:55
Bldg. 36 - Auditorium Bruno Touschek

Bldg. 36 - Auditorium Bruno Touschek


Bartosz Gąsowski (Warsaw University of Technology)


We present recent advancements in the development of the real-time redundancy subsystem for the Master Oscillator of the European XFEL. This system improves upon the usual method of manually switching to a hot-spare in the event of a failure in the main source. Its primary objective is to maintain uninterrupted operation of the facility by minimizing the impact of potential Master Oscillator failures. By combining continuous monitoring, low-latency switching, and synchronization, the system ensures that failures result in only a brief and minor disturbance instead of a complete loss of a usable signal. As a result, little influence on the downstream systems is expected. We provide examples of the system's operation under laboratory conditions, summarize the achieved performance, discuss encountered issues, and outline further plans.

Primary author

Bartosz Gąsowski (Warsaw University of Technology)


Dr Tomasz Owczarek (Warsaw University of Technology) Krzysztof Czuba (Warsaw University of Technology) Katharina Schulz (DESY) Julien Branlard (DESY)

Presentation materials