18 novembre 2024 a 15 dicembre 2024
Europe/Rome fuso orario

This workshop will be focused on longitudinal diagnostics for photon beams from FEL, synchrotron, betatron sources, inverse Compton scattering, HHG and other sources in the EUV to hard x-ray range. It is welcoming contributions from all the participants. Different methods and instruments will be discussed, such as:

  • Nonlinear optics techniques (e.g. transient reflectivity, cross-correlations ...)
  • Gas ionization steaking (e.g. longitudinal or transverse streaking with visible or THz pluses, ...) 
  • Indirect reconstruction from source (e.g. the spent electrons from FEL with deflecting cavities, THz generation, ...)
  • Other longitudinal diagnostic techniques (e.g. wavefront reconstruction, interferometry, speckle-based techniques, ...)
  • Data analysis with AI assisted elaborations or virtual diagnostics (e.g. impact of AI in diagnostics, virtual diagnostics as a way to obtain more/different information from the beam, ...)
  • Longitudinal characterization of large bandwidth or partially coherent photon beams (e.g. synchrotron pink beams, plasma accelerator betatron sources, inverse Compton scattering, ...)  

The workshop will have also the opportunity for open discussions on diagnostics.

The workshop will be held at the INFN National Laboratories of Frascati from 11th to 12th of July 2024. The social dinner will be offered on July 11th .

The event is postponed to mid November-beginning December due to superposition of other workshops on the same topics


Visite Guidate – Educational
Aula Salvini
Via Enrico Fermi, 54 00044 Frascati (Roma)
L'iscrizione per questo evento è attualmente aperto.