Mário Sousa
(LIP-Lisbon, FCUL)
Single hadron response measurement in minimum bias proton-proton
collisions at a center of mass energy of $\sqrt s = 7 \, TeV$ are
presented. Together with test-beam results these measurement form
the basis to evaluate the calorimeter response uncertainty of
jets at high transverse momenta. The novel technique to
evaluate the jet from the single particle response will be presented.
The single hadrons response is measured in the momentum range of
0.5 to about 20 GeV in-situ by comparing the calorimeter response
of all energy deposits in a cone around an isolated track with the
precisely measured track momenta.
The agreement between data and Monte Carlo simulation is on the
level of a few percent. Using kaon and Lambda particles the
calorimeter response of identified pions, proton and anti-proton
The MC simulation describes pions and protons well, but differences
are observed for anti-protons. It is discuss how the jet calorimeter
response uncertainty and it correlation between tranverse momentum
bins is determined from these measurements.
for the collaboration
On behalf of the ATLAS jet/etmiss group