Sameh Mannai
(Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgique)
A high-granularity semi-digital Hadronic calorimeter using GRPC as sensitive medium is to be proposed for the future International Linear Collider project. A prototype of 1 m$^3$ was built within the CALICE collaboration in order to validate this option. The prototype intends to be as close as possible to the one proposed in the ILD Letter Of Intent. The active media of this HCAL are large GRPC detectors equipped with semi-digital electronics readout and 1 cm$^2$ lateral granularity. The GRPC detector was designed to provide high detection efficiency, excellent homogeneity and negligible dead zones. The readout electronics was developed to associate performance and compactness. 48 GRPCs with their embedded electronics were tested in cosmic rays bench before to be assembeled into the HCAL prototype. The HCAL was then tested with pion beams at CERN. The preliminary results confirm the expectations. Future tests at the CERN PS nd SPS will allow to validate definitely the choice of the GRPC as a good candidate for the sensitive medium of a semi-digital hadronic calorimeter.
Optional extended abstract
The Validation of such calorimeter will be completed in beam tests aty the PS and SPS just before the conference. Preliminary results will be given at this conference.
for the collaboration