Alexandre Rachevski
(INFN - Trieste)
Using $^{55}$Fe and $^{241}$Am sources we characterized the spectroscopic performance of a matrix of Silicon Drift Diodes (SDD). The matrix consists of a completely depleted volume of silicon wafer subdivided into 5 identical hexagonal cells. The back side is 5 implanted arrays of increasingly negatively biased concentric p+ rings. The front side, common to all 5 cells, is a shallow and uniformly implanted p$^+$ entrance window. Ionizing radiation impinging the detector bulk generates electrons that drift towards small readout n$^+$ pads placed on the back side in the center of each cell. The total sensitive area of the matrix is
135 mm$^2$, the wafer thickness is 450 µm. We report on the layout of the experimental set-up, as well as the spectroscopic performance measured at different temperatures and bias conditions.
Primary author
Alexandre Rachevski
(INFN - Trieste)
Andrea Vacchi
Andres Cicuttin
Claudio Tuniz
Gianluigi Zampa
Irina Rashevskaya
Maria Liz Crespo
Nicola Zampa