
Young@INFN: 2nd event - "High Energy Physics"

by Davide Germani (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), Graziella Russo (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)

Sala Fiore (Dipartimento di Fisica - Edi. Marconi)

Sala Fiore

Dipartimento di Fisica - Edi. Marconi


1st speaker: Davide Germani 

Title: "Born-Oppenheimer approximation in QCD" 

Abstract: "The Born-Oppenheimer (BO) approximation is a widely used tool in the study of molecular dynamics. We will start by reviewing how this approximation works in the case of the hydrogen molecule and then analyze the case of tetraquarks (particles composed of 4 quarks) consisting of 2 light and 2 heavy quarks. In the presentation, we will see how to account for the confined dynamics of QCD and what the use of the BO approximation can tell us about QCD dynamics." 


2nd speaker: Graziella Russo 

Title: "New Physics and how to find it (in ATLAS with ML tools)" 

Abstract: "In the pursuit of uncovering fundamental truths about our Universe, high-energy experimental physicists at LHC have turned to sophisticated technologies to detect and analyse a vast range of phenomena. However, none demonstrated to be effective in finding Beyond the Standard Model processes so far. Are we sure to store all the interesting events and not miss any of interest? or that we are looking at the right discriminating variables? During this talk, I will focus on some new ways to answer these questions by using Machine Learning techniques with the ATLAS experiment."

Organised by

Federica De Riggi, Giuliano Gustavino, Ambra Mariani, Stefano Palmisano, Lorenzo Pierini