16–17 Sept 2024
Sestri Levante
Europe/Rome timezone

Neutrino decoupling in standard and non-standard scenarios

Not scheduled
Sestri Levante

Sestri Levante

Hotel Grande Albergo, Via Vittorio Veneto, 2, 16039 Sestri Levante (GE)


Stefano Gariazzo (INFN Torino)


We discuss the phenomenology of neutrino decoupling in the early universe, by summarising the details of the calculation in standard and non-standard scenarios. We present the state-of-the-art calculation of the effective number of neutrino species in the early universe (Neff) in the three-neutrino case, which gives Neff=3.044, and show how the result can change when additional particles, non-standard neutrino properties or a non-standard cosmological evolution are considered.

Primary author

Stefano Gariazzo (INFN Torino)

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