16–17 Sept 2024
Sestri Levante
Europe/Rome timezone

The cross-correlation between CIB and galaxy clustering

17 Sept 2024, 12:10
Sestri Levante

Sestri Levante

Hotel Grande Albergo, Via Vittorio Veneto, 2, 16039 Sestri Levante (GE)


Jiakang Han


Understanding the intricate relationship between star-formation rates from Comic Infrared
Background(CIB) and other large scale structure tracers holds key insights into the evolving
cosmic landscape. By cross-correlating the CIB data and other large-scale structure (i.e. CMB
lensing and galaxy clustering), we can unravel the underlying dynamics and give better
constrains on the models as well as retrieve the primordial information hidden behind the
interference of these tracers. With the galaxy clustering data from Euclid in the near future,
we can unravel the information hidden in the redshift distribution of star forming rate by its
cross-correlation with Cosmic Infrared Background data from Planck. Thus, a better
tomographic constrain on the halo model can be achieved.

Primary authors

Jiakang Han Prof. Stefano Camera (Università degli Studi di Torino & INFN Torino)

Presentation materials