3–6 Sept 2024
Istanbul (Türkiye)
Europe/Rome timezone

Confirmed speakers

The following speakers have confirmed their participation:


* WG1-Theory and Model Building:  

Jacob Leedom (DESY Hamburg) "Axion phenomenology and its connections to string compactifications"

Clare Burrage (Nottingham Univ.) " Screening mechanisms for ultralight scalars"

Francisco G. Pedro (Bologna U.)  "Axion dark energy"

Martti Raidal (NICPB, Tallin) "Dark photon phenomenology"


* WG2-WISP Dark Matter and Cosmology:

Francesco D’Eramo (Padua U.) "Hot DM axions"

Mateja Boskovic (DESY) "Ultralight Bosons and Black Holes"

Elena Pinetti (Fermilab) "Hunting Dark Matter Lines in the Infrared Background with the James Webb Space Telescope"

Ed Hardy (Oxford U.) "Axions from topological defects"

Anne Davis (Cambridge)  "scalars particles (symmetrons, chameleons, etc), theory and experiments.


* WG3-WISPs in Astrophysics:

Luca Visinelli (T.D. Lee I., Shanghai)  "Solar Chameleons"

Pierluca Carenza ( OKC, Stockholm) "Overview of WISPs and Stars"

Elisa Todarello (Turin U.) "Axion conversions in the solar magnetic fields" 



* WG4-WISP Direct Searches:

Camilo Garcia Cely (Valencia U.) "Detection of HF gravitational waves in axion cavity experiments" 

TBA "SHIP experiment"

Maurizio Giannotti (Univ. Zaragoza) "Status and perspectives on axion searches"

Manuel Meyer (Odense Univ.) "Searches for axion dark-matter "

TBA: "The Canfranc Axion Detection Experiment (CADEx) "