Three years after the first edition, we are happy to invite you to the 2nd Workshop “Trento Proton Beam Line Facility”. While the first edition was organized remotely in 2020 due to pandemic restrictions, we are now planning for a two-days meeting in Trento.
The workshop will be dedicated to past and current Users of the Trento facility, which is part of the Trento Proton Therapy Center (APSS, Azienda Provinciale per i Servizi Sanitari), and aims at:
- Collecting experiences by the groups who performed experiments in Trento in the last years.
- Giving the chance to have a common overview on the activities that can be currently performed in the facility.
- Encouraging collaborations and sinergies among groups with common research interests.
- Being the occasion for a discussion on potential improvements of the facility, which could further enlarge the spectrum of users and experimental activities.
- Report and discuss on the recent scientific developments in the fields of detector development (for medical, space and other scientific applications), radiobiology, radiation hardness.
The meeting is scheduled for June 17-18th 2024. Registration and abstract submission is now open. Further information can be found in the dedicated sections (left menu).