8–12 Jul 2024
L'Aquila, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Emulation of cosmic-ray antideuteron fluxes from dark matter annihilation

11 Jul 2024, 15:20
GSSI, Sala Rossa (MLH)

GSSI, Sala Rossa (MLH)

Parallel talk Indirect detection Parallel 2


Lena Rathmann (RWTH Aachen University)


Cosmic-ray antimatter, particularly low-energy antideuterons, constitute a sensitive probe of dark matter annihilating in our Galaxy. We study this smoking-gun signature and explore its complementary to indirect search via cosmic-ray antiprotons. We revisit the Monte Carlo simulation of antideuteron coalescence and cosmic-ray propagation, allowing us to assess uncertainties from both processes. In particular, we incorporate uncertainties in the $\Lambda_b$ production rate and the coalescence momentum and consider two distinctly different propagation models. To this end, we further the development of the neutral emulator DarkRayNet enabling a fast prediction of propagated antideuteron energy spectra for a wide range of annihilation channels and any admixtures thereof. We find that our network can predict the various spectra with excellent accuracy, offering a significant speed-up over the full simulation. Employing the network's output, we then test the detectability of antideuterons from dark matter annihilation with AMS-02 and the upcoming GAPS experiment for a wide range of dark matter masses.

Primary authors

Dr Jan Heisig (RWTH Aachen University) Kathrin Nippel (RWTH Aachen University) Lena Rathmann (RWTH Aachen University) Dr Michael Korsmeier (Stockholm University) Prof. Michael Krämer (RWTH Aachen University)

Presentation materials