3–14 Jun 2024
Bologna, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

2. Majorana CP-violating phases and NSI effects in Neutrino Decay

Not scheduled
Aula Magna, Department of Physics and Astronomy (DIFA), University of Bologna (Bologna, Italy)

Aula Magna, Department of Physics and Astronomy (DIFA), University of Bologna

Bologna, Italy

Via Irnerio 46 - 40126, Bologna (BO), Italy


Ms Bhavya Soni (IIT Jodhpur)


In this work, we have analysed how neutrino decay is affected in the presence of non-standard interactions (NSI). We also considered the effect of the Majorana phase on neutrino decay in a two-flavor oscillation framework. We have examined scenarios when these sub-leading effects (NSI and decay) can be distinguished. These effects are studied on neutrino oscillation probabilities Pαβ ≡ P(να→νβ), and the difference ΔPαβ ≡ P(να→νβ) − P(ν¯α→ν¯β) for several accelerator and reactor neutrino experiments. Our findings indicate that the impact of the Majorana phase on decay in matter can be mimicked by the combined presence of decay and NSI. However, accurate measurements of Pαβ and ΔPαβ observables have the potential to distinguish these individual sub-leading effects from their simultaneous presence.

Primary author

Dr Ashutosh Kumar Alok (IIT Jodhpur)


Mr Arindam Mandal (IIT Jodhpur) Ms Bhavya Soni (IIT Jodhpur) Ms Neetu Raj Singh Chundawat (IIT Jodhpur)

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