20–22 Feb 2024
Physics Dpt
Europe/Rome timezone

Status of the 3D Silicon Detectors activities at FBK

21 Feb 2024, 17:35
Aula Magna (Physics Dpt)

Aula Magna

Physics Dpt

Via Pietro Giuria 1


Sabina Ronchin


In the talk, ongoing activities on 3D processes will be presented. FBK is actively involved in the realization of detectors with RD53 and CROC designs for both ATLAS and CMS experiments. The latest developments and parametric measurements with Temporary Metal for these processes will be discussed. Additionally, FBK is continuing the development of 3D sensors based on trenches. Due to their geometry, these sensors are considered candidates for achieving excellent temporal resolutions along with high damage resistance. In the AIDA Innova project, FBK is producing a batch, and the main characteristics of this batch will be highlighted.

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