20–22 Feb 2024
Physics Dpt
Europe/Rome timezone

Status of the upgrade of the CMS Inner Tracker for HL-LHC

20 Feb 2024, 10:20
Aula Magna (Physics Dpt)

Aula Magna

Physics Dpt

Via Pietro Giuria 1


Ernesto Migliore (Univerisità di Torino/INFN)


The High Luminosity program of the LHC collider (HL-LHC), expected to start in 2029, will provide almost a factor 5 increase in the instantaneous luminosity and a factor 10 in the integrated luminosity compared to the current LHC.

The HL-LHC poses unprecedented challenges to the inner tracking pixel-based systems: pixel hit rates up to 3 GHz/cm$^2$, hadron fluences exceeding 10$^{16}$ n$_{eq}$/cm$^2$, total ionizing dose up to 1 Grad, extended detector acceptance up to $|\eta|$=4.

This contribution will review the most relevant design and technological choices taken by the CMS collaboration for the upgrade of its Inner Tracker, along with the ongoing validation of the prototypes in preparation for large-scale production.

Primary author

Ernesto Migliore (Univerisità di Torino/INFN)

Presentation materials