17–19 Jun 2024
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN
Europe/Rome timezone

Expanding nuclear and hadron physics horizons with the Gamma Factory

Not scheduled
Aula Touschek (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN)

Aula Touschek

Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN

Via E. Fermi 54 00044 Frascati (RM)


Mikhail Gorshteyn (Mainz University)


A relativistic beam of partially-stripped ions can be irradiated with a laser whose frequency is tuned to a resonant atomic transition which will subsequently de-excite. This mechanism allows one to obtain a $\gamma$-source of an unprecedented brilliance and intensity. The Gamma Factory proposed at the LHC is able to produce up to $10^{18}$ photons per second (7 orders of magnitude beyond the existing sources) with the energy up to 400 MeV, not accessible for FEL sources. A tunable, 100% polarized $\gamma$-source of such intensity will furnish us with a versatile tool to significantly improve our understanding of known phenomena, and to study tiny effects that until now have been prohibitively small. The proof of principle experiment at the SPS@CERN will produce $10^{15}$ $\gamma$/s with the energy of up to 44 keV for a variety of exciting applications in atomic and nuclear physics, and is in preparation. The same principle can be applied at other facilities, such as future EIC or FAIR. I give an overview of the reach of the Gamma Factory in hadron and nuclear physics.

Primary authors

Prof. Dmitry Budker (JGU Mainz) Dr Mieczyslaw Witold Krasny (Sorbonne U. & CERN) Mikhail Gorshteyn (Mainz University)

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