17–19 Jun 2024
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN
Europe/Rome timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline


The Abstract Submission Deadline is 15 April 2024 at 23:59 (Italy time).
The authors of the selected contributions will be notified by 10 May 2024.

How to propose a contribution

The abstract submission process is managed by the Indico server hosted by INFN. To submit an abstract and for all further follow-up actions, you need a valid Indico account. Please do not wait for the last moment (submission deadline) for checking that you can login.
If you do not have a valid Indico account, you can simply create one following the step-by-step instructions on the abstract submission page here .
Once the account is created and verified, please check that you are effectively able to login.
To submit an abstract, go to the Call for Abstracts page and click on "Submit new abstract" below on this page. After your login, a pop-up window will open with the abstract submission form. Fill in the form with the requested fields.
Please note that every contribution requires to select one of the authors as presenter in order to be processed.


Any author must be a registered participant and all authors implicitly accept that their talks or posters are published on the Indico website.

The call for abstracts is closed.