LEGEND-200 is an experiment designed to search for neutrinoless double beta decay ($0\nu\beta\beta$) in $^{76}$Ge at LNGS in Italy. The sensitivity of $0\nu\beta\beta$ experiments is strongly affected by the background level. LEGEND-200 aims to reach a background index of $2\times 10^{-4}$ counts/keV/kg/yr at $Q_{\beta\beta}$. With an exposure of 1 tonne-yr this would lead to a half-life sensitivity of more than $10^{27}$ yrs. In this poster, we present a detailed model of the background sources in the LEGEND-200 experiment by fitting the experimental data over a wide spectral range to a sum of Monte-Carlo simulations. This work informs future hardware upgrades of LEGEND-200, the design of LEGEND-1000 and enables a series of beyond Standard Model physics searches.
This work is supported by: U.S. DOE, NSF, LANL, ORNL, LBNL LDRD programs; European ERC, Horizon programs; German MPG, BMBF, DFG; Italian INFN; Polish NCN, MNiSW; Czech MEYS; Slovak SRDA; Swiss SNF; UK STFC; Russian RFBR; Canadian NSERC, CFI; LNGS, SNOLAB and SURF facilities.
Poster prize | Yes |
Given name | Toby |
Surname | Dixon |
First affiliation | University College London |
Institutional email | toby.dixon.23@ucl.ac.uk |
Gender | Male |
Collaboration (if any) | LEGEND |