Rare Searches and Pion Measurements with MicroBooNE

21 Jun 2024, 17:30
Near Aula Magna (U6 building) (University of Milano-Bicocca)

Near Aula Magna (U6 building)

University of Milano-Bicocca

Poster Neutrino interactions Poster session and reception 2


Christopher Thorpe (University of Manchester)


MicroBooNE is a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber, able to image neutrino interactions with excellent spatial and timing resolution, enabling the identification of complex final states resulting from neutrino-nucleus interactions. This poster will provide an overview of measurements for rare final states, such as $\Lambda$ and η production. These processes both provide unique sensitivities to the interplay between nucleon-level cross-section physics and nuclear-level physics, as well as account for sources of background in proton decay experiments. Furthermore, this poster showcases MicroBooNE’s measurements of total and first-order differential cross-sections on argon for muon neutrino interactions producing neutral pions in the final-state. These interactions will dominate the event rates observed at forthcoming high-precision neutrino experiments.

Poster prize Yes
Given name Christopher
Surname Thorpe
First affiliation University of Manchester
Institutional email christopher.thorpe-3@manchester.ac.uk
Gender Male
Collaboration (if any) MicroBooNE

Presentation materials