Medium Energy Neutron Detector Response in NOvA

18 Jun 2024, 17:30
Near Aula Magna (U6 building) (University of Milano-Bicocca)

Near Aula Magna (U6 building)

University of Milano-Bicocca

Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo 1, Milano, 20126
Poster Accelerator neutrinos Poster session and reception 1


Andrew Sutton (Florida State University) Miranda Rabelhofer


Neutrons pose a significant challenge in neutrino experiments where energy reconstruction is critical. The behavior of neutrons is particularly model-dependent because they can take away interaction energy that is largely unseen owing to their non-ionizing nature. Below 20 MeV, many interaction models, like Geant4, employ measurements of final-state particle content to produce accurate neutron interaction topologies. However, there is a lack of data for higher energies, and we must rely on statistical models tuned only to the inclusive interaction cross-section. This can alter the expected visibility of neutrons. NOvA is a long-baseline accelerator neutrino experiment that can leverage its segmented, liquid scintillator-based, high-rate Near Detector to probe neutron interaction models. In this poster, we describe the development and application of an algorithm capable of identifying energy deposits linked to primary neutrons in antineutrino interactions. Additionally, we present the results of a neutron-on-carbon inelastic scattering model as a replacement for Geant4’s intranuclear cascades between 20-O(100) MeV and show an improvement in data-simulation agreement.

Poster prize Yes
Given name Andrew
Surname Sutton
First affiliation Florida State University
Institutional email
Gender Male
Collaboration (if any) NOvA

Primary authors

Andrew Sutton (Florida State University) Miranda Rabelhofer

Presentation materials