The measurement of the unexpectedly high value of the third neutrino mixing angle, $\theta_{13}$, opened the possibility of measuring the Dirac leptonic CP violating angle, $\delta_{CP}$ , using intense neutrino beams. The European Spallation Source neutrino Super Beam (ESS$\nu$SB) is a long-baseline neutrino project that aims in measuring CPV in the leptonic sector at the second of the $\nu_{\mu}$ to $\nu_{e}$ oscillation maximum, where the sensitivity is ∼ 3 times higher than that at the first maxima. The use of the 5 MW proton beam of the ESS linac combined to a ∼ cubic-km Water Cherenkov detector located at the second oscillation maximum paves the way to a precise measurement of $\delta_{CP}$. The ESS$\nu$SB CDR showed that after 10 years of data taking, more than 70% of the $\delta_{CP}$ range will be covered with 5$\sigma$ C.L. to reject the no-CP-violation hypothesis. The expected value of $\delta_{CP}$ precision is smaller than 8$^\circ$ for all $\delta_{CP}$ values.
The next phase of the project, the ESS$\nu$SB+, which started in 2023, aims in using the intense muon flux produced together with neutrinos to measure the neutrino-nucleus cross-section (the dominant term of the systematic uncertainty) in the energy range of 0.2 to 0.6 GeV, using a LEnuSTORM and a LEMNB facilities.
In this poster, an overview of the concluded phase and an update on the first-year design-study of the current phase of the project will be presented.
Poster prize | No |
Given name | Tamer |
Surname | Tolba |
First affiliation | Hamburg University |
Institutional email | tamer.tolba@uni-hamburg.de |
Gender | Male |