The Status and Prospects of the TRIDENT Deep-sea Neutrino Telescope

18 Jun 2024, 17:30
Near Aula Magna (U6 building) (University of Milano-Bicocca)

Near Aula Magna (U6 building)

University of Milano-Bicocca

Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo 1, Milano, 20126
Poster Astrophysical neutrinos Poster session and reception 1


Donglian Xu (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute)


While cosmic rays were first discovered over a century ago, the source of the most extreme energy components remains unknown. Next-generation neutrino telescopes with substantially improved sensitivity are required to pinpoint the sources of the diffuse astrophysical neutrino flux detected by IceCube. The TRopIcal DEep-sea Neutrino Telescope (TRIDENT) will instrument ~8km^3 of seawater with optical detection modules ~3.5km deep in the South China Sea. With the use of advanced photon-detection technology and large dimensions, TRIDENT expects to observe the IceCube steady source candidate NGC 1068 at 5σ within one  year of operation. This degree of sensitivity will open a new domain for the diagnosis of the origin of cosmic rays and probe for fundamental physics over astronomical baselines. Presented here are the experiment's design, status and prospects, where a pilot project of ten strings for a technology demonstration is scheduled for 2026.

Poster prize No
Given name Donglian
Surname Xu
First affiliation Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Institutional email
Gender Female

Primary author

Donglian Xu (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute)


Iwan Morton-Blake (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute / Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Presentation materials