Leptogenesis in a Left-Right Symmetric Model with double seesaw

18 Jun 2024, 17:30
Near Aula Magna (U6 building) (University of Milano-Bicocca)

Near Aula Magna (U6 building)

University of Milano-Bicocca

Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo 1, Milano, 20126
Poster Theory of neutrino masses and mixing, Leptogenesis Poster session and reception 1


Utkarsh Patel (Indian Institute of Technology, Bhilai)


We explore the connection between low-scale CP-violating Dirac phase $(\delta)$ and high-scale leptogenesis in a Left-Right Symmetric Model (LRSM) with scalar bidoublet and doublets. The fermion sector of the model is extended with one sterile neutrino $(S_L)$ per generation to implement a double seesaw mechanism in the neutral fermion mass matrix. The double seesaw is performed via the implementation of the type-I seesaw twice. The first seesaw facilitates the generation of Majorana mass term for heavy right-handed (RH) neutrinos $(N_R)$, and the light neutrino mass becomes linearly dependent on $S_L$ mass in the second. In our framework, we have taken charge conjugation ($C$) as the discrete left-right (LR) symmetry. This choice assists in deriving the Dirac neutrino mass matrix ($M_D$) in terms of the light and heavy RH neutrino masses and light neutrino mixing matrix $U_{PMNS}$ (containing $\delta$). We illustrate the viability of unflavored thermal leptogenesis via the decay of RH neutrinos by using the obtained $M_D$ with the masses of RH neutrinos as input parameters. A complete analysis of the Boltzmann equations describing the asymmetry evolution is performed in the unflavored regime, and it is shown that with or without Majorana phases, the CP-violating Dirac phase is sufficient to produce the required asymmetry in the leptonic sector within this framework for a given choice of input parameters. Finally, we comment on the possibility of constraining our model with the current and near-future oscillation experiments, which are aimed at refining the value of $\delta$.

Poster prize Yes
Given name Utkarsh
Surname Patel
First affiliation Indian Institute of Technology, Bhilai
Institutional email utkarshp@iitbhilai.ac.in
Gender Male

Primary author

Utkarsh Patel (Indian Institute of Technology, Bhilai)


Mr Pratik Adarsh (Indian Institute of Technology, Bhilai) Mr Purushottam Sahu (Indian Institute of Technology, Bhilai) Mr Sudhanwa Patra (Indian Institute of Technology, Bhilai)

Presentation materials