New search for a sterile neutrino at MicroBooNE with BNB and NuMI beams

18 Jun 2024, 17:30
Near Aula Magna (U6 building) (University of Milano-Bicocca)

Near Aula Magna (U6 building)

University of Milano-Bicocca

Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo 1, Milano, 20126
Poster Sterile neutrinos Poster session and reception 1


Sergey Martinenko (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Xiangpan Ji (Nankai University)


In 2023, the MicroBooNE experiment published its first constraints on light sterile neutrino oscillations using neutrinos from the on-axis Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB). A limitation of this first result came from the cancellation between electron neutrino disappearance and muon neutrino to electron neutrino appearance oscillations leading to a degeneracy in the extracted oscillation fit parameters. A new search for a sterile neutrino is being carried out simultaneously using neutrinos from both the on-axis BNB at a baseline of ~470 m with mean neutrino energy at 800 MeV and the off-axis Neutrino from the Main Injector (NuMI) beam at a baseline of ~680 m with neutrinos up to a few GeV. MicroBooNE’s two beam measurement allows to break this degeneracy leveraging the different intrinsic electron neutrino to muon neutrino ratios in BNB (~0.5%) and NuMI (~5%). This significantly expands the experiment’s sensitivity, allowing to probe parameter space for test the sterile neutrino hypothesis compatible with short baseline anomalies from the LSND, Neutrino-4, Gallium, and BEST experiments. In this poster, the status of this analysis will be reported.

Poster prize Yes
Given name Xiangpan
Surname Ji
First affiliation Nankai University
Institutional email
Gender Male
Collaboration (if any) MicroBooNE

Primary authors

Sergey Martinenko (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Xiangpan Ji (Nankai University)

Presentation materials