The Ricochet experiment aims at measuring the coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEνNS) of reactor antineutrinos at the Institut Laue-Langevin, ILL (Grenoble, France). Ricochet employs two detector technologies to measure the CEνNS: (1) germanium cryogenic calorimeters with neutron-transmutation-doped thermistors (called Cryocube); (2) cryogenic calorimeters with a superconducting target and a transition-edge sensor readout (called Q-array). The Cryocube exploits a combined readout of phonons and ionization to identify nuclear recoil events and reject other backgrounds (electron recoils). The Q-array will use pulse shape discrimination related to the different timescales of quasiparticle recombination and phonon relaxation for electron- and nuclear-recoils respectively. The cryogenic facility was installed at the end of 2023 and validated at the nuclear reactor. The detector commissioning started in February 2024 with a detector payload of three 40-gram germanium detectors. The design of the facility, the discovery sensitivity and the first results of the commissioning phase of the Ricochet experiment will be presented in this contribution.
Poster prize | No |
Given name | Valentina |
Surname | Novati |
First affiliation | CNRS-LPSC |
Institutional email | valentina.novati@lpsc.in2p3.fr |
Gender | Female |
Collaboration (if any) | Ricochet |