In this talk I will give a short overview on the current status and challenges in the exploration of dense QCD matter. While in relativistic heavy ion collisions, experiment and theory have been struggling for three decades to get a quantitative understanding of the QCD phase diagram. Only recently, new experimental programs allowed for significant progress. At the same time, the observation...
We discuss recent calculations investigating the detailed
impact of various "non-nucleonic" degrees of freedom in neutron star
mergers. Pions are neglected in equation of state tables for merger
simualtions but might actually occur in neutron star matter. We quantify
their potential impact on the obseravbles of neutron star mergers. We
describe a weak but potentially measurable signature...
I will discuss how GW probes could identify modifications to GR and the presence of new particles beyond the Standard Model. I will focus on how numerical simulations in strong gravity regimes can help us to understand and identify such signatures.
We study the impact of asymmetric fermionic and bosonic dark matter on neutron star properties, including tidal deformability, maximum masses, radii, thermal evolution, etc. The conditions at which dark matter particles tend to condense in the core of the star or create an extended halo are presented. We show that dark matter condensed in a core leads to a decrease of the total gravitational...
Describing matter at the extreme conditions present in neutron stars (NS) within a unified framework is challenging in view of the wide range of densities encountered. On the other hand, nucleosynthesis simulations of rapid neutron-capture processes (or r-process) require detailed knowledge of nuclear reactions and radioactive decay (hence of the nuclear structure properties, in particular,...
We briefly review the properties of quark matter at large chemical potentials. In particular, we discuss the properties of the color superconducting phases that can be realized in the interior of compact stars and their impact on astrophysical observables.
Moreover, we show how a sufficiently large isospin asymmetry may drive the system in a meson condensed phases.
When formed in a compact binary coalescence, black holes vibrate in a process called ringdown, which leaves the gravitational-wave footprint of the horizon. Some models of quantum gravity that attempt to solve the singularities of general relativity replace black holes with regular and horizonless objects with effective reflectivity. Motivated by these scenarios, we develop a generic framework...
For over 20 years, measurements of the Universe expansion rate from close-by and far sources are in tension hinting at the presence of new physics. Gravitational Waves (GWs) from compact binary coalescences (CBCs) are emergent cosmological probes, potentially observable from close to far scales. GWs are Standard Sirens as they are the only source for which it is possible to measure the...