We are excited to announce the first Bottom-Up Cross-Cutting Workshop of the JENAS Initiative “Gravitational Wave Probes of Fundamental Physics”, to be held at Sapienza University of Rome on Feb, 12-16 2024.

Città Universitaria La Sapienza | Turismo Roma


La Sapienza University of Rome - Pava Education


This will be the kick-off event that will shape the organization of our cross-cutting initiative, getting all members involved from the very beginning of this effort.

In this spirit, only the main broad topics of the workshop have been fixed, which are those discussed in this manifesto. The entire workshop structure and concrete topics has emerged from the bottom up, based on the feedback from the community

List of burning questions identified by the community.

To remain up-to-date with this and other initiatives, please subscribe to our mailing list: https://lists.infn.it/sympa/info/gwfundphys 


Working Groups:

  • WG1: Matter under extreme conditions
  • WG2: Nuclear and atomic physics and their role in multi-messenger astronomy
  • WG3: Fundamental problems in high-energy and gravitational physics
  • WG4: GWs & Cosmology
  • WG5: Synergies between particle accelerators and GWs


List of invited speakers & Conveneers:

Niayesh Afshordi (CAN)

Michalis Agathos (UK)

Andreas Bauswein (DE)

Diego Blas (ES)

Richard Brito (PT)

Katy Clough (UK)

Pippa Cole (IT)

Maximilian Dax (DE)

Gabriele Franciolini (CH)

Ettore Majorana (IT)

Cristiano Palomba (IT)

Krisztian Peters (DE)

Ira Rothstein (USA)

Alberto Sesana (IT)

Nils Schöneberg (ES)

Jan Steinheimer (DE)

Sarah Vigeland (USA)



Scientific Secretariat: Alessandra Curto  
Organizing Committee: Tetyana Galatyuk, Paolo Pani

on behalf of the Steering Committee
Sven Bernitt, Gianfranco Bertone, Vitor Cardoso, Roberto Emparan, Tetyana Galatyuk, Tanja Hinderer, Aleksi Kurkela, Ann-Cecilie Larsen, Marlene Nahrgang, Samaya Nissanke, Paolo Pani, Rafael Porto, Antonio Riotto, Stephan Rosswog

Support: This event is supported by INFN, JENAS, NuPECC, EMMI and Sapienza.

         Istituto nazionale di fisica nucleare - Wikipedia                   Joint ECFA – NuPECC – APPEC Activities » APPEC


UniRoma1 Università La Sapienza di Roma | Guida di ateneo - UnidTest   

   Meeting of the APPEC General Assembly » APPEC       


Sapienza University of Rome
Physics Department - Aula Amaldi (Marconi Building)
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 · 06 49911 Rome (Italy)
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