Session 1
- Pietro Colangelo (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
The ATLAS experiment has performed a range of QCD measurements. The recoil of the Z-boson is sensitive to quark and gluon emissions and is used to determine the strong coupling constant in a novel approach. Measurements of transverse energy-energy correlation in multijet events are compared to state-of-the-art NLO and NNLO predictions.used to determine the strong coupling constant. Jet...
The general mass variable flavor number (GMVFN) scheme S-ACOT-MPS will
be discussed for proton-proton collisions. The impact of heavy-flavor
contributions within this factorization scheme will be shown for the production
of a $Z$ boson in association with a charm/bottom quark in pQCD.
An amended version of the QCD factorization formula for proton-proton collisions will
be discussed as...