Nuclear Structure and Reactions I
- Winfried Leidemann (TIFP)
Nuclear Structure and Reactions I
- Carlotta Giusti (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
The nuclear response and decay processes, besides being intrinsic key-features of atomic nuclei, are intimately related to fundamental open questions such as the nuclear equation of state and in-medium nucleon-nucleon interaction, nucleosynthesis and properties of astrophysical objects, fundamental symmetries and physics beyond the Standard Model. From a theoretical point of view, the nuclear...
Nuclear fusion reaction cycles involving solid room temperature lithium-6 deuteride ($^6$LiD) hit with beams of neutrons are revisited with new calculations of the time evolution of a network of differential equations for the abundances of various nuclear species. Modern-day compilations of nuclear cross-sections and non-thermal reaction rates are used to predict the full time evolution of the...
We present the study of the ${}^{9}\mathrm{Be}$ photo-disintegration process, $\gamma + {}^{9}\mathrm{Be} \to \alpha + \alpha + n$, in the low-energy regime. This reaction is of astrophysical interest because the inverse process, including both sequential and direct reactions combining two $\alpha$ and a neutron into $^9\textrm{Be}$, represents an alternative path to the formation of...
The disappearance of the N=20 shell closure in the so-called “island of inversion” around $^{32}$Mg is one of the most striking examples of the strength of nucleon-nucleon correlations. In this region, the quadrupole-deformed intruder configuration (based on a multi-particle multi-hole configuration) becomes the ground state, subverting the expected shell ordering predicted by a harmonic...
The decay of $^{176}$Lu to $^{176}$Hf through $\beta^-$ decay occurs naturally and has a half-life of 37.8 Gyr. This decay is a valuable isotopic clock (Lu/Hf) used for dating meteorites and minerals, and can also serve as an s-process thermometer in the study of stellar nucleosynthesis.
Apart from undergoing $\beta^-$ decay to form $^{176}$Hf, the radioisotope $^{176}$Lu can also become...
The INFN-Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (INFN-LNS) represent a well-established international research reality of INFN.
The research activity is mainly devoted to basic nuclear physics and nuclear and particle astrophysics. Pivotal research activity is also in multidisciplinary fields such as accelerator physics, plasma physics, nuclear physics for medicine, biology, environmental and cultural...
The Advanced GAmma Tracking Array (AGATA) is an European, state-of-the-art gamma-ray spectrometer used for nuclear structure studies, recently installed at Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro. On behalf of the GAMMA collaboration of CSN3, I will present recent results obtained with stable TANDEM-ALPI-PIAVE beams in different regions of the nuclide chart. I will talk about the current experimental...
In the past few years the femtoscopy technique has been applied in high-energy $pp$ and $p-$Pb collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to study the residual strong interaction between hadrons. In such collisions, particles are produced and emitted at relative distances of the order of a femtometer, in the range of the nuclear force. The effect of the mutual interaction between hadrons is...
In the last years, double charge exchange (DCE) nuclear reactions have gained an increasing interest due to their close analogies to neutrinoless double beta ($0\nu\beta\beta$) decay [1]. On this ground, the NUMEN project [2] proposed an innovative method to deduce data-driven information on the nuclear transition matrix elements for the candidate isotopes to $0\nu\beta\beta$ decay by...
The research on cluster states in neutron-rich nuclei has achieved recent developments within the CHIRONE collaboration of the Laboratori Nazionali del Sud of INFN (CSN3). Here, by means of the FRIBs facility [1], it was possible to produce radioactive beams of considerable scientific interest for the investigation of cluster physics, also obtaining notable results [2, 3]. In the next years,...
The 2+2 state in non-doubly-magic, even-even nuclei is commonly interpreted as due to a collective excitation. In the vibrational and rotational limits, this state originates from vibrations around the ground-state shape. Even though these basic paradigms are known to represent only a first-order approximation of the nuclear structure, they are still used for classifying isotopes throughout...