Feb 26 – 28, 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

Poster/Talks instructions

Poster should be prepared in standard A0 format, Portrait orientation, and should be hanged at the indicated  stands distributed between the Hall an the conference room-  at the starting of the conference (Monday morning) and removed  quite promptly by Wednesday at 13.45, since the supports will be transported to another event.

Flash talks are consisting of 5 minutes of presentation. Slides should be necessarily uploaded on indico or given to the organization at latest on the night before the allocated slot. The slides will be merged in a unique file  for the different speakers of a given flash session (tipically 3 speakers), since it is planned a unque Q&A slot of 5 min for questions to all the 3 speakers at the end. To ease the correct merging of the files, it is kindly required to name the slides in the following way: Flash_Surnameofthespeaker_contributionnumber.

All the speakers of Oral (15+5 min) and Invited (25+5min) should also load the slides on indico, or provide them at latest on tthe night before thier slot, and are kindly requested to name the files with their surname and possibly also contribution number.

Language: Slides and poster text shoud be written in English. 

Given the participation of several non-italian attendees, the presentation languageis is also preferably  English.