The effective-one-body (EOB) framework is a powerful analytical tool for the solution of the two-body problem in general relativity and beyond. The EOB approach is used to design waveform models for gravitational-wave (GW) astronomy and more in general to explore the two-body dynamics incorporating perturbative and numerical results in a unified framework.
EOBAtWork 2023: Fall Meeting is the second of a series of workshops aimed at starting a collaborative research effort at the frontiers of EOB development. The workshop is informal and technical. It alternates discussions with hands-on sessions. Workshop's participation is limited and by invitation only. If you are interested, please contact the organizers.
The topic of the Fall Meeting workshop is:
Analytic systematics and the impact of Post-Minkowskian calculations on waveform modeling
The overreaching problem that we wish to tackle during the workshop is the identification of clear scenarios where high-order analytical information (from Post-Newtonian, Post-Minkowskian and gravitational self-force calculations) might be required and impact waveform modeling.This regards both circularized/eccentric binary black holes and unbound systems.
In particular, we will focus on:
- Critically overviewing the current EOB approach based on post-Newtonian results and identify areas of improvement in both the conservative and radiative sectors of the model
- Investigating how post-Minkowskian knowledge could impact (and possibly improve) the current approach to waveform modeling for either bound or unbound systems