Low Temperature, Quantum and Emerging Technologies - Oral session
- Claudio Gatti (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Loredana gastaldo (Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, Heidelberg University)
There is a growing interest in exploring how cosmic rays and natural radioactivity affect the performance of superconducting qubits. Previous studies revealed that ionizing radiation can generate quasiparticles, leading to loss of qubit states and errors when multiple qubits are involved. Thus, developing effective strategies to mitigate these effects, is crucial. We conducted experiments on a...
Quantum Sensing is a rapidly expanding research field that finds one of its applications in Fundamental Physics, as the detection of light Dark Matter (DM). Qubit-based superconducting devices have already been successfully applied in detecting few-GHz single photons via Quantum Non-Demolition measurement. The optimization and new design schemes of circuits embedding qubits will yield notable...
Ultra-sensitive detection schemes at microwave frequencies play a central role in many advanced applications, including quantum sensing, quantum computing, and fundamental physics searches. In many of these applications, the necessity of reading a large array of devices (e.g. detectors, cavities, qubits) calls for large bandwidth amplifiers with the lowest possible noise. Solid-state...
The QCD axion, both a dark matter candidate and a solution to the strong CP problem, is made difficult to detect by its weak coupling to ordinary matter. The axion haloscope, proposed and first realized more than three decades ago, is still the most promising detection platform to probe the coupling with the photon with the required sensitivity. However, even with best microwave cavity and...
The MISTRAL instrument, a cryogenic W-band camera equipped with 415 lumped element kinetic inductance detectors, achieved a significant milestone in May 2023 with its successful installation at the Gregorian focus of the Sardinia Radio Telescope, a 64 m aperture telescope in Italy. MISTRAL features a focal plane of approximately 80 mm in diameter, providing an instantaneous field of view of...
The DAREDEVIL (DARk-mattEr-DEVIces-for-Low-energy-detection) is a new project aiming to develop a novel class of detectors to study Dark Matter candidates with mass below 1 Gev/c2. The detection channel is DM-electron scattering, where the excitation energies of the electrons should be matched to the transferred momenta. The only materials with energy gaps of eV or below are special...
Metallic Magnetic Calorimeters (MMCs) are low temperature single particle detectors, whose working principle is based on quantum technology. Due to their excellent energy resolution, near linear detector response, fast signal rise time and close to 100% quantum efficiency, MMCs outperform conventional detectors by several orders of magnitude, making them interesting for a wide range of...